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 Guiding Plans & Reports

View the Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program (SMBNEP) Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), as well as current and past plans and reports that detail SMBNEP’s tasks and accomplishments.

Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan

The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP, previously known as the Bay Restoration Plan (BRP), is a long-term framework for actions and strategies that address various environmental problems facing Santa Monica Bay, while recognizing and balancing the local communities’ needs. Consistent with U.S. EPA guidance for National Estuary Programs (NEPs), the CCMP is a living plan that is updated every three to five years, with major revisions approximately every 10 years to incorporate new information, priorities, and actions for the SMBNEP.

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Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report

The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report (CCVA), produced in 2016, identifies risks associated with individual objectives and goals in the CCMP and ascertains their propensity to manage and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

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Annual Reports

SMBNEP‘s Annual Reports include a financial summary, and highlight yearly programs and accomplishments.


Work Plans

The annual work plans of SMBNEP build off of the 2018 CCMP Action Plan and are focused on a subset of the identified actions and next steps to be carried out during the fiscal year (FY).

Each annual work plan includes project descriptions, budgets, and details about operations.

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Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Plans + Reports

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) included $132 million for the 28 National Estuary Programs (NEPs) for fiscal years 2022 – 2026 to support accelerating environmental and community restoration goals outlined in NEPs’ long-term action plans, Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans.

View SMBNEP’s BIL-identified actions, updates on progress, and annual accomplishments in the reports below. 

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NEP Program Evaluations

To assess a National Estuary Program’s (NEP) progress in achieving long-term program goals, the U.S. EPA conducts a Program Evaluation every five years for each NEP. Below are SMBNEP’s recent Program Evaluations.


State of the Bay Report

The State of the Bay Report is a science-based comprehensive assessment of the Bay’s environmental condition. SMBNEP periodically conducts and reports on this assessment, with the goal of measuring progress in restoring the Bay’s natural habitats and resources, educating the public about the Bay’s valuable natural resources, and identifying and helping scientists and managers to address remaining and emerging challenges.

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U.S. EPA’s National Estuary Program Funding Guidance

SMBNEP is a locally directed program that is also responsive to the priorities and direction of the U.S. EPA. Below is the U.S. EPA’s current NEP Funding Guidance.



© 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission is a non-regulatory, locally based state entity that serves as the Management Conference for SMBNEP.


The Bay Foundation (TBF) is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) whose missions is to restore and enhance Santa Monica Bay through actions and partnerships that improve water quality, conserve and rehabilitate natural resources, and protect the Bay’s benefits and values. TBF serves as Host Entity for SMBNEP.